
Who we are?

We, here at the “Assistance to Common People” provide moral support to the seekers in need and render them the information on resolving their grievances and issues caused due to inefficiencies of administration in various state and governmental departments and organizations, alongside making them aware of their rights and privileges as a citizen.

It is unfortunate that, despite having well-established legislative and executive bodies of our governing system, many of us, as common people, on many occasions, face hurdles while dealing with the provisions and facilities provided by the government due to inefficiencies and tardiness in the administrations. “The taken for granted” attitude at the clerical and public level, and lack of awareness, have deprived the common people of their basic, constitutional and its fundamental rights.

Here we are! We bridge the needs of deprived common people and their justified rights, through awareness, guidance and by providing the appropriate administrative steps.

We initially worked on a Page, named "Baap ke Bolo" on a social networking site created on 9 June 2020, the term 'Baap' (Father in Bengali) loosely signifies the 'Higher Authority' at the bureaucrat level in various government offices. Through the relentless effort of our team, without any intention of profit, we, fortunately, were able to stand by a lot of aggrieved people, disappointed in the system due to the inefficiencies.


We strive to be better, to do better, to make the society better.

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Team ACP